by mariann.yip@gmail.com
invisibobble secret garden together 1

You will never see me without a hair tie around my wrist. I have one every day because you never know if you need to put your hair up, especially since summer is coming up. And all my ladies know that it’s a sad, tragic moment when you don’t have one. I go to the gym five days a week, so I think it’s necessary for me to carry a hair tie since I always put my hair up in a bun or ponytail while working out. During the day, I also like to have one just in case life gets tough and I need my hair out of my face.

I found a goody bag at my doorstep the other day containing the invisibobble® Original Garden Collection hair rings and I was like what?!? These are so cool and fun! The limited collection contains four different color hair rings, which include Forbidden Fruit (lime green), Cherry Blossom (light pink), Sweet Clementine (bright orange) and Lucky Fountain (lavendar purple). They are basically colorful hair rings that add a bright touch to your hairstyle, whether you want to keep it in a regular ponytail, up in a crazy bun, a nice fishtail, or some other cool hairstyle from a youtube tutorial.

I know that some people might stick with their traditional elastic hair tie because these look uncomfortable since it’s a spring like shape. However, I can attest that it has a strong traceless hold and it actually feels like you don’t even have anything in your hair. This is perfect for special and fun occasions like festivals or a day at the beach/ pool. I also think kids would love these because the colors are bright and they can wear anything and get away with it. So if you want to spice it up and go wild, make sure you grab these at Urban Outfitters or Topshop as they are only available from now until September. They also cost $7.95 so just skip your Starbucks coffee for two days and take these fun, floral inspired shades hair rings for a summer spin!

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