Home Personal EMBRACING 28


by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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Writing a new post during your birthday is like writing a post welcoming a new year. Since my birthday is early in January (on the 27th as this is live!), it can seem a bit repetitive to reflect on what this year has taught me and how I’ve grown and changed as a person. I was contemplating whether or not I should write 27 lessons I’ve learned over the years or what last year has meant to me, but the more I think of it the more I realized that I’ve covered this in my last post of 2019, thanking it for all it’s given me.

As I look back at my 27th year, I remember thinking that amazing things were going to unfold because it was my golden year. I had high hopes and expectations for what would present itself down the line and in all honesty, it was a great year! I developed stronger relationships with my friends and family, found myself on more flights than I could imagine, saw parts of the world only some can dream of and became more aware of the things that made me happy, which made me want to do more of those things!

However, in saying all of that, I also had some hard realizations about life. I began to make it a priority to absorb useful information that would better  me as a person and became fascinated with spirituality, human behavior and psychology of the mind. I’m at a phase in my life where I realize that I only want to allow positive forces to enter into my circle and that’s everything from my friends, to the information, content and news I consume, to the energies and vibes around me. There are people and things that I have been holding on to, but realized that they no longer serve me so unfortunately, I need to let them go.

Just because certain things and people aren’t in your lives anymore, doesn’t mean that they are bad and it doesn’t mean that you need to have a bad falling out. We are all human beings and we all grow and evolve differently. It took me a while to come to terms with this, but at the end of the day, I am realizing that putting me first and prioritizing those that prioritize me is how I want to go into my 28th year. We all want to feel happy and we all want to surround ourselves with people that love us. I don’t think each year can be defined by what happens to us or where we end up but by the progress that we’ve made from the beginning to the end and most importantly, how we feel about ourselves.

I am at a really good place in my life and I only want to add to it by welcoming energy and people that are vibrating on the same frequency as me. Life works in strange ways and I see the universe bigger than what I perceived it to be previously and yes it’s a bit frightening to constantly trust it, but it has never really failed me in the past so I don’t have a reason to question it now. Every day that we get to wake up and experience this beautiful world is in a way a celebration of life and adds to each and every one of our birthdays. I’m looking forward to what 28 has in store for me and I am putting this out into the universe that this year will be the year where my professional, social and personal life will all align. It might not align right away or perfectly, nonetheless it will be presented to me when the time is right and when I am ready for it.

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Jennifer January 27, 2020 - 12:56

Happy Birthday!!

Effortlessly Sophisticated

mariann.yip@gmail.com February 4, 2020 - 16:05

Thank you Jennifer!

PerlaGiselle January 28, 2020 - 20:18

First of all, Happy belated Birthday!!!! Secondly, I love the edits on these pictures you look so cute in all of them. I am glad you are in a great place right now hun.
Have a great week!

PerlaGiselle | iamperlita.com

♥ | instagram.com/iamperlita

mariann.yip@gmail.com February 4, 2020 - 16:05

Than you so much love! It’s been a great year 🙂

Melody Jacob February 3, 2020 - 18:46

This is so gorgeous

mariann.yip@gmail.com February 7, 2020 - 20:45

Thank you honey!

Comfy Cozy Up February 4, 2020 - 08:11

Happy belated birthday! I hope you had an amazing celebration,

mariann.yip@gmail.com February 4, 2020 - 16:04

Thank you so much!

Candace Hampton February 11, 2020 - 18:12

That dress is fantastic!!! It looks like it was made for you. Congrats on your birthday! It’s always good to have big dreams 🙂

mariann.yip@gmail.com February 11, 2020 - 21:21

Thank you so much love!


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